ideyatech – Who are we?

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While I can describe ideyatech as a company by what we do, what we specialize and who among the Fortune 500 are our clients, it doesn’t give justice to the people who committed themselves and worked hard everyday to satisfy our clients and bring us to where we are now.

Instead, I’d like to describe ourselves on what we believe in and what we practice – our core values. So, let me describe it one by one…

L eadership. We are the best in what we do. I always tell my team that “You have to believe that you can change the world!”. I know it sounds ambitious, but ambition is what drives people; it gives motivation for people to excel and become a leader in what we do. Moreover, we promote individual leadership; we know for a fact that every individual has their strengths and we provide the support needed to enhance them by making them acknowledge and focus their strengths. This way, we are able to get the best results from every team member.

Another thing I have to add is that we value collaboration and communication skills. Individual leadership needs to be supported by good communication in order to achieve teamwork and synergy.

E xecute. We deliver. We believe with the saying “A simple idea with execution is better than a brilliant idea with no execution”. While I like to get along with people who talks about ideas, I’d rather stick with the ones who executes them. Great ideas burn into ashes when they are poorly executed.

A key criteria to execution is to know your priorities. Our basic principle is to prioritize time, quality and budget; then negotiate the scope. In this era of Google and YouTube, nothing is more important than time and quality. Also, we prefer to simplify things, stick to the absolute essentials and make sure it works. Finally, everyone needs to be decisive and make timely decisions… because you know what!? – It’s not the end of the world.

A gility. We love change. Face it – “The only thing constant in this world is change. ” Even the best project manager cannot make a perfect project plan. There will be deviations and variations from plan during execution… but what makes a plan successful is its ability to adapt to change (and what makes us better individuals is to accept change). A few implementations points to be agile:

  • Release early, get feedback and improve…
  • Work in iterations; prepare mockups.
  • Reduce the cost of change.

P assion. We believe and love what we do. One thing I always ask applicants – “What is your passion?What do you like to do? “. If it takes them more than 7 seconds to respond, chances are – they don’t know the answer and is making it up. We believe that people who has passion in their work has greater chance to succeed. Between someone who is very knowledgeable, and someone who is very passionate – we usually go with passion. Knowledge can be learned with passion but passion can’t be learned with knowledge. “, ”

While I can talk for an hour more about this topic, I’d rather simply things – if your work doesn’t excite you, something is wrong and you’ll probably need soul-searching. 🙂

To end, this is how we perform great LEAP s…

In case you didn’t notice, our core values form the word LEAP when taking the first character of each of the values.

If you want to know more about Ideyatech, you can find more information on our company page.

One thought on “ideyatech – Who are we?

  1. Just found this quote from Steve Jobs during his Commencement Speech at Stanford – 2005.

    “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life; and the only way to be satisfied is to do whatever you think is great work; and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking and don’t settle.”

    This just reaffirms that passion and love of work is a key to success.

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