Evolving through Recession

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Evolving through Recession

Let’s face it: we are in the middle of a recession, and no matter how hard we think otherwise, millions of jobs are at stake, IT projects are restructured, and companies are slashing budgets wherever they can. But while the current global economic climate does not spell “business as usual,” we all know that business must go on. This is an interesting time if…


Blue is greener. Open-tides 0.3 is released!

Posted on 2 CommentsPosted in Corporate News, Java

Blue is greener. Open-tides 0.3 is released!

Today earmarks another event in Ideyatech’s history. Today, we announce the release of the third version of Open-tides. Open-tides is a web application framework contributed by Ideyatech to the open source community. It is a framework that can be used to quickly setup a web application using Spring MVC and JPA. Open-tides’ technology stack includes…


Low-tides : JS/CSS Merging and Minification Tool

Posted on 4 CommentsPosted in Java, Website Design

Low-tides : JS/CSS Merging and Minification Tool

As recommended by Yahoo on YSlow – tip #1: Make fewer HTTP request and tip #10: Minify javascript- we aim to implement these tips on all our projects with minimal head-ache. While these recommendations are truly useful, implementing them can be quite tedious and challenging. Consider having to maintain multiple min versions of the javascript and…