The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Automation

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Automation and Artificial Intelligence recent developments robot android womenare taking the tech scene by storm. Self-driving cars, artificially intelligent Bluetooth speaker, robot receptionist shows that the future is closer than we think. With the widespread integration of Automation and Artificial Intelligence on different fields, productivity on labor works has greatly increased. Opportunities, efficiency, security & safety are some of the things that these evolving and expanding technology offers. Let us understand the difference of Artificial Intelligence and Automation and how it is helping the human lives.



In Automation, you are using a software or hardware that has the ability to do things automatically. They will do exactly what you have intended them to do. With Automation, people are freed from boring, lifeless repetitive tasks and focuses instead on work that needs creativity and individuality. The manufacturing industry is the most common area that utilizes automation.

There are different types of automation depending on their use. These are Numerical Control, Computer-Aided-Manufacturing, Flexible Manufacturing Systems & Industrial Robots. On automated transportation, we have; of course, the most prevalent cars, UAVs, and unmanned yachts. In addition, here are some work automation examples: paperless invoicing, job applications, cloud documents, automated testing, & online marketing and sales.

Here’s a list of some big companies that have already taken advantage of automation:
1. Amazon
2. DHL
3. Tesla
4. Best Buy
5. Adidas
6. Walmart
7. Nestle
8. Pizza hut
9. DHL
10. Nissan

Mastercard teamed up with Pizza hut and deployed cashier and customer service robots at their restaurants in China. Nestle and Pizza hut uses Softbank’s humanoid pepper robots which are capable of taking orders, processing payments and answering customer questions. Nestle rolled out the robots to 1,000 stores in Japan.


Artificial Intelligence

AI is basically using computers to find a solution to problems that usually needs human understanding. Artificial Intelligence is applied when imitates cognitive functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as learning. Areas that already integrate AI are Mobile, Business, Transportation, Gaming, Robotics, Security, Education.

Google, Microsoft, and Facebook have already been working on this advancing technology. DeepMind is the world leader in artificial intelligence research and its application for positive impact. After it has been acquired by Google in 2014, Google has greatly improved it to fully develop and utilize AI. On the other hand, Facebook has been using several AI functions such as face recognition. Microsoft also has a number of AI applications in development. The most popular is Cortana that is focused on translation capabilities and image recognition.

Remember Simsimi? It was one of the most popular app in 2012. Everyone was posting about it on social media. Simsimi is a popular artificial intelligence conversation program created in 2002 by ISMaker. It has the ability to learn and grow depending on the users’ input.


The main idea here is that Artificial Intelligence has the ability to learn, depending on how it is programmed while Robotic Process Automation only functions on repetitive tasks and stimulation. They are two different technologies and they complement each other well. Automation can or cannot be based on Artificial Intelligence.

Although AI and automation have and will continue to improve the way humans live, we must also take into consideration its disadvantages. According to Stephen Hawking, a British scientist prof,  “the automation of factories has already decimated jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining.”

As per MIT economist, Erik Brynjolfsson, “Technology has always been creating jobs and always been destroying jobs. There’s this flow, but the jobs that are created and the jobs that are destroyed tend to be different kinds of jobs.” Just like everything else, we must take these technological advancements in moderation.


Flexibility is important in today’s world. If you would like to be able to quickly adapt your business to changing conditions then this is the way to go. Ready to take advantage of automation? Contact us today.
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