Book Review: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide 5th Edition

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Book Review - JavaScript: The Definitive Guide 5th Edition

Considered as an essential resource for JavaScript programmers. O’Reilly’s JavaScript: The Definitive Guide 5th edition is one of the books to look for when it comes to JavaScript.

As good as the introduction sounds, the book is unfriendly to those who are unfamiliar with programming. But, is a good book to those who know programming but is new to JavaScript.


Using CSS Position in Creating Boxes w/ Rounded Corners

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Using CSS Position in Creating Boxes with Rounded Corners

There’s this CSS trick I came across a couple of years ago that never seize to amaze me. It’s the use of 2 position attributes to control elements within a defined boundary. It is, by far, one of the most lucrative piece of info that I get to apply in so many design situations and actually, if you’re starting to learn about CSS, this is going to take you far.


Custom Dependency Injection, Simplified Spring-like Framework

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Custom Dependency Injection, Simplified Spring-like Framework

I’m a Spring fan, but I decided not to use Spring in our recent project because I don’t want bulky jar files in our application but I wanted to have spring-like configuration. So, I’ve decided to write my own dependency injection code in less than 50 lines of code!! To simplify dependency injection, I’ve taken out most of the advanced configuration features and…


Low-tides : JS/CSS Merging and Minification Tool

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Low-tides : JS/CSS Merging and Minification Tool

As recommended by Yahoo on YSlow – tip #1: Make fewer HTTP request and tip #10: Minify javascript- we aim to implement these tips on all our projects with minimal head-ache. While these recommendations are truly useful, implementing them can be quite tedious and challenging. Consider having to maintain multiple min versions of the javascript and…