The Roots of Anti-Agile (Agile Methodology)

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The Roots of Anti-Agile

Here’s an interesting story about why many companies struggle applying agile methodologies – the roots of anti-agile. Last month, I did the performance appraisal of Ellaine, a trainee hired from college 6 months ago. She graduated from a prestigious, traditional, all-girls school run by Nuns who values academic excellence, etc. The discussion…


Finding Value in Stand-up Meetings

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Finding Value in Stand-up Meetings

Here at Ideyatech, we have been practicing stand-up meetings religiously ever since our first project. So far, this short, daily routine has kept everyone up-to-date on status of their projects. By reporting daily activities, issues and bottlenecks are quickly identified and resolved. Everyone gets accountability on the tasks that are reported, and the team becomes…


Unfuddle – Great tool for project tracking

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I’ve recently come across unfuddle( which is a project tracking tool and hosted source repository. This site is built on RoR and behaves similar with Basecamp. I’m currently using Basecamp for my projects… it’s pretty good but I find it a little too limited for other things such as defect and issue tracking. Currently, I read more…


Just In Time (JIT) Development. Is it Doable?

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[Updated: Jan. 15, 2019] We have seen successful roll-out of Just-In-Time (JIT) concept in manufacturing. This technique was popularized by Toyota with their car manufacturing process. With proper coordination, they are able to adjust their production line easily when certain demand increases. For example, if reports show increase in demand on a specific model or read more…