Book Review: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide 5th Edition

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Book Review - JavaScript: The Definitive Guide 5th Edition

Considered as an essential resource for JavaScript programmers. O’Reilly’s JavaScript: The Definitive Guide 5th edition is one of the books to look for when it comes to JavaScript.

As good as the introduction sounds, the book is unfriendly to those who are unfamiliar with programming. But, is a good book to those who know programming but is new to JavaScript.


Book Review: MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide

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Book Review: MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide

The MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide, written by Paul DuBois, Stefan Hinz and Carsten Pedersen, is a must-read for individuals interested in obtaining MySQL certifications. It is designed to get you that title that you want. Currently, MySQL offers 2 certification titles — the MySQL Developer Certification and the MySQL Database Administrator Certification.