Internship Experience at Ideyatech: Document Classification

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In order for this project to work, we need the strive to learn for us to keep on looking for the solutions that will best fit the real world use for it. From this principle, we realized we also need to adjust to its future users – fast, flexible and feasible. So yeah, still working on how to make those three happen, but surely it is possible as what we have started will be a great foundation.


Internship Experience in Ideyatech: Chatbot App Project

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Before we started on our own projects all of us received training together. The training consisted of three topics, namely JUnit, Android development, and Spring framework. The training for the JUnit lasted for a day. Half of it was discussion and the other half was for implementation. We were tasked to create a shopping cart application and create unit tests for the same application afterward.


Internship Experience in Ideyatech: Creating a Mobile DMS

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Mobile Document Management System or Mobile DMS is a camera/panorama application intended to capture long receipts which will be later be processed through optical character recognition (OCR). The difference of this app from usual panorama apps is that instead or rotating the camera from a specific pivot (or simple panning), the app should stitch a series of photos when moving the phone in one axis.